Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Same sex marriage

President Obama recently came under attack for publicly supporting same-sex marriage.  One of those very public attacks came from Bristol Palin.  She said, “In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage. Or that — as great as her friends may be — we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home.”  - Right. Because Bristol Palin just totally exemplifies that ideal.

And I don’t mean to pick on Bristol, she’s got enough problems as it is just being her.  There are so many others around the world who have taken umbrage against same sex marriage.  Religious groups (and religious fanatics – there’s a difference), “supremacy” groups, politicians (both left and right), and so many others have openly spoken out against this issue.  As different as these groups are in lifestyles, political and personal beliefs, as well as religious views, many of them find themselves in agreement when it comes to this.  People who under ordinary circumstances wouldn’t spit on someone from an opposing group if they were on fire, in this case find a cause that unites them, this is their common ground – speaking out about the “evil” of gay marriage.

I always find myself asking the same question, “If it doesn’t affect you and yours, why do you care?”  I mean honestly, what difference does it make if Joe marries Jack, or Jane marries Sally?  What impact does it have on someone else’s life?  I don’t know about anyone else, but there’s none on mine at all. It’s not going to change the fact I still have to drive around for a half hour every night to find a parking spot.  It’s not going to change the price of bread and milk or (God forbid) gasoline. It’s not going to keep my kid from playing in the park or my wife from watching the Jersey Housewives.  So if all those things will remain equal for everybody else as well, then why can’t gays enjoy that same equality together?

Some folks stand on their “biblical soapbox” and preach “God’s word” about how homosexuality is an abomination. You know, the bible states a lot of things and it calls several things an abomination or a sin, and even lays out the penalty for people who partake in these abominations and sins; especially in the Old Testament.  I think a lot of people who quote those passages and claim that “God hates fags” and that “it’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” and all that garbage, forget sometimes that if you want to go down that theological route, there’s a part two to that book.  One that talks about loving your neighbor, treating others as you would like to be treated.  Oh and it even talks about casting judgment and doling out punishment, by the way.  Let’s see, there’s something about “casting the first stone” and “removing the beam from your own eye first.” 

Seriously, there are so many other real problems to worry about, and people are wasting their time focusing on whether or not someone they may not even know can get married to another of the same gender?!  I guess Forrest was right, stupid really is as stupid does.

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